Role of Keywords And Skimming / Scanning
Role of Keywords
- Finding the right keywords shorten the time you would have otherwise spent on the question
by a huge margin.
- Locating the answers in the passage becomes easier, if you identify keywords from the
- Sometimes the keywords can be made out of the options given in answers too.
- Identify the focus of the question, especially in MCQs.
- Read the entire introductory paragraph and then the first and last sentence only of each
following paragraph.
- For each paragraph, read only the first few words of each sentence or to locate the main
- Stop and quickly read the sentences containing keywords indicated in boldface or italics or
in inverted commas.
- When you think you have found something significant, stop to read the entire sentence to
make sure. Then go on the same way.
- Resist the temptation to stop to read details you don't need.
- Read questions and identify keywords.
- Know what you're looking for. Decide on a few key words or phrases.
- Look for only one keyword at a time. If you use multiple keywords, do multiple scans.
- Let your eyes float rapidly down the page until you find the word or phrase you want.
- When your eye catches one of your keywords, read the surrounding material carefully.
- Re-read the question to determine if the answer you found answers this question.